Thursday, February 28, 2013

Some Wisdom

"I think you become an adult when you reach a point where you don't need anyone beneath you. When you can look at yourself and say, 'I'm okay the way I am.' One of the things that keeps my class of people from having any vision is race hatred. You're so busy hating somebody else, you're not gonna realize how beautiful you are and how much you destroy all that's good in the world."

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Balboa Park with Peter

Even though I've been dead tired for the past three days, I'm up at 12:37am on Sunday morning, writing this blog post. I'm not sure why I haven't just konked out. Well, I did from 8-9, so that's probably why I'm still awake.

I had to take a practice ACT test this morning, and boy, was that excruciating. And tiring. During the test, I got a text from a good friend of mine, telling me he could hang out today. Sure, I've been a zombie for the past 48 hours and sleep should've been on my list of things to do today, but I wasn't going to pass up being out of the house and hanging out with someone. So suggested we go to Balboa Park for a few hours, and we did just that.

Pug with man

I love going to Balboa Park, even if I don't actually visit any museums. There are so many kinds of people walking around, and so many dogs. And I really, really love dogs, even though I don't have one of my own. 

Didgeridoo man that Peter was scared of
I love the sound of didgeridoos. 

Peter was proud of this. I edited it and it didn't turn out gross. 

Nice BMW. 

Me in this plane thingy behind the Air and Space Museum

It was a beautiful day, and I was so glad I was able to spend it with one of my best friends, walking around and just taking pictures. It's now 12:53am as I type this sentence, and I'm yawning right now. I'm ready for a much deserved slumber. I've just been sooooooooo very tired. I'm excited for the week to start because there's a few things to look forward to. Well, the only thing I'm REALLY looking forward to are my high waisted pants coming back from the cleaners, and my Saltwater sandals to arrive in the mail. I'm SUPER excited for those two things.