Sunday, March 3, 2013

Much needed weekend.

School has been very stressful this past week. This past week was the first full week of school I've had in a while, and boy, was it a long one. A lot of people make me angry, and having to read their work just makes me angrier. I needed this three day weekend, badly.

I was worried I wasn't going to be let out of my house to be with friends this weekend, but I was. That just put a giant smile on my face. The weather was literally perfect on Saturday, and it was so great to walk around OB and just be out in the world instead of being stuck in a class full of people I'm not fond of. The breeze blew in my face, the salt water air curled my hair a little bit more, my new sandals rubbed into my feet, but I was in too great of a mood to even notice.

The view from Jack in the Box

Me and the homie, Jillian 


After a day at the beach, we walked home and laid around for a little while until we had to leave for Circus Vargas, which was pretty crazy. They don't have any animals in their show; it's all people. I thought it was pretty awesome, and only made me want to live out one (of my many bizarre dreams) of joining the circus and be glorified for being a contorted freak instead of grossing out everyone when I do one of my few weird stupid human tricks.
Snow conies. 

Crazy circus stuff

Snow cone syrup stains clothes ;-;

Today (Sunday) was pretty boring, but I'm alright with that. It gave me a chance to just hang out and ride on this good feeling I've had since yesterday. My parents said yes to Souplantation for dinner, and there were two types of chicken soup. Chicken soup has got to be one of the few foods I could eat every single day of my life and now get sick of it. And Souplantation had to choices. Of course, I wasn't going to choose just one. I had to get both. And I now have a soup baby as I write this.
You are beautiful in every single way.